글 수 789



Pro 24:13-14 Ps 19:10

Yesterday passes and we wake up to a new day each morning. God wipes away our past days and gives us a bright beautiful new one. No matter how soiled our past lives may be, God will cover it up and give us a clean new day. 

 It means nothing if there is no transformation in our lives as the date changes. There must be a new transformation that takes place in our lives(Mt9:17) tells us to "put new wine into fresh wineskins..." just as the passage says, we need to get rid of our old filthy lives and be reborn with a new faith. In order to accomplish this God says, "Son, eat honey". 
 God wants us to do this in order to be prepared for the days that lie before us. We will briefly take a look at how we are to prepare for the upcoming days.


1. We must exert all our strength to our faith.

 The people of the world travail without sleeping in order to gain mammon. They toil in order to live a more comfortable life. They seek to eat well and have nice clothes. Yet, the knowledge of God can't be found in them. They have no understanding of the Cross or who Jesus Christ is. In the eyes of God, the lights of their souls have been darkened(pro 20:27). says that the spirit of man is the lamp of the Lord. God uses the one whose light is brightly shining. Therefore, though a man lives well on this earth, if the light of his soul is out, he lives without hope in the future. His existence is as the dew at dawn.

 If the soul of a man is erroneous, everything about him will be ruined. People of this world seem to overlook this important fact. On the other hand, those whose souls are shining brightly will receive the blessing of good health and all their endeavors will be successful. Abraham, the forefather of faith, received this blessing of well-being. Whether Abraham went out or came in, he received materialistic blessings and blessings of peace(Dt 28:6).

In order to receive the blessing of well being, our Scripture reading tells us that we must "eat honey".

 "Know {that} wisdom is thus for your soul; if you find {it,} then there will be a future, and your hope will not be cut off."

 Tuck away the effort for riches of the world in order to obtain temporary satisfaction. Instead, pray for your souls and seek for the wisdom that will enlighten your souls. Why? Because this world is not our permanent residence. The citizens of heaven have hope for heaven and the message of heaven(Phil3:20).


2. If you eat a lot of honey, your heart will begin to burn

 (Ps119:103) tells us that the Word of God is sweeter than honey. What transformation takes place when we eat something sweeter than honey? Our hearts will burn hotter and a big commotion will take place.

After the crucifixion of Jesus on the cross, there were two disciples in despair heading towards Emmaus. It says that as Jesus explained the Scriptures to them their hearts began to burn. As Jesus taught them the Scriptures a work began in their hearts. That is when they realized that the person explaining the Scriptures was Jesus.

 Beloved believers! Have you experienced your heart burning as you received the Word of God? Understanding truth is understanding Jesus and receiving grace is believing Jesus(Jn 1:14). When we receive Jesus in our hearts, we experience the burning of our hearts as the two disciples heading to Emmaus.

 *Then when can we taste the honeycomb?

Reading, hearing and heeding the Word of God is the same as seasoning food to achieve a certain taste(Rev 1:3). You must put the Word of God in your mouth and chew it. Just as you need to chew your food constantly to taste its sweetness, you must chew the Word of God constantly to taste its sweet honey. When we believe the truth of the Bible then we will eat its 'bread' and be full.

 In (Lk10) we see the differences between Mary and Martha. Beloved believers!

It is important to serve Jesus with choice food. However, it is more important to listen to His Words and understand. Believe that when you listen and understand the Word of God you will fulfill His will. That is why Jesus said that Mary had chosen the right thing and not to lose it.


 Beloved believers! We need to eat the honeycomb. Our hearts need to begin to burn. Our souls need to hear the sound of revival. The lamp of our soul needs to be brightly shining. We have been promised that our future will be guaranteed and we will receive the blessing of endless hope.


 Beloved believers! May you experience the sweetness of the honeycomb throughout your whole body this year. May you experience the love that is contained in the Words of Jesus. May this love come into our lives and work so that our dead spirits will be revived so that the feast of happiness will never be cut off.

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