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2Corinthians 9:8 Philippians 4:19 Proverbs 19:1

God can do all things. That's why in 1Sam. 2:6-7 says, 'The LORD kills and makes alive; He brings down to Sheol and raise up.7 'The LORD makes poor and rich; He brings low, he also exalts." God said that He is able to make all grace abound and sufficiency in everything to those who serve Him and the church(2 Cor. 9:8-9). Then, what is that grace abounding in everything?

1. Grace of granthing to us many things when we give Him one thing

According to 1Kings 3:3, Solomon did not have much great aspects, However, he was greater than anyone in worshiping God. He showed his love towards God through worship. To this man Solomon, God appeared in a dream and asked him, 'Ask what I shall give you.
"Solomon did not ask for others,but asked for wisdo.

Fellow believers, have we ever offered up even one thing go God correctly to support His will and obey His Word? Have we given all our mind when we were worshipping? Have we given all our heart? Have we given all our will? Have we given all our strength?

To Solomon who asked for only one thing, God gave not only great wisdom, but also granted him riches, wealth, and honor. He gave these great blessings as a result of one thing that Solomon did well; that is worship (1 Kgs.3:12-15). May these blessings become yours also!

2. Grace of granting to us great things when we gave little

The widow of Zarephath gave only a small piece of bread to Prophet Elijah.Nevertheless, God returned to her with great things because she treated the man of God to follow the will of God. Flover and oil did not run out in the house of the widow.

She was able to taste the abundant grace of God even in the midest of a severce drought(1Kgs.17:8-14). Not only that, Elijah revived her son when he died. All that the widow of Zarepath gave was nothing more than a small piece of bread, but God paid her back with many great things.

I know that there have been many times when you had to spend your own money, time,and energy for the growth and develoment of the church even though it hurt you. Please, believe that God will bless you with all the blessings that God granted to the widow of Zarephath.

In Jone 6:6-14, a boy gave his 5 piecs of bread and 2 fish to the Lord. Jesus gave thanks and that is when the great miracle happened. 5,000,counting only men, and tens of thousands of people including women and children were able to eat sufficiently and had 12 full baskets left.

Likewise, God receives little things and gives back with great things. May you all meet this God and enjoy all the abundant blessings.

3. Grace of giving without holding back

God sent down manana to the lsraelites in the wilderness. He did not just give the right amount for the number of people, but gave sufficiently. Also, when the lsralites were grumbling for meet, God caused eastward wind to drive flocks fo quails to them. They obeyed the plans of God and did not fly away as the lsraelites were catching them. They ate the quails not only a few days, but a whole month.

Even after they ate all they want, there were sill more left.They ate until the smell came out of the nosttils(Num. 11:20).We have to understand the love of God who gives until it runs over(Luke 6:38).

4. Grace of giving unexpectedly

When Jesus went to the Sea of Galilee, Peter and other fishermen fished until dark,but could not catch even one. As they were preparing to go home, Jesus was proclaiming the Gospel of the kingdom of heaven to the multitudes and asked them to take Him off shore on the boat.
Peter did not mind at all and obeyed Jeses with "Amen" in his heart. After giving a sermon on the boat, Jesus told Peter to go the deeper side and cast the net again(Luke 5:4). Peter already had tried all night long, but could not catch andy fish. However, according to Luke 5:5, Peter said, 'but at your bidding I will let down the nets.

'Then, they caught so many fish that the nets' Then, they caught so many fish that the nets began to break. This is an unexpected grace. In 1Sam. 9, Saul, a son of Kish from the tribe of Benjamin, went out to search for donkeys and received a grace to become the king of lsrael. May we truly understand the great love of God who gives unexpectedly and become holy believers that draw close to Him by walking with Him!

Fellow believers, we can find joy when we receive abundant grace in all things! All things will be wonderful and full of thanksgiving. Love will overflow. That way, we can become one. Moreover, we will receive the blessings of knowledge and wisdom of the Word. There will be change in all aspects of our lives. There will be vitality and progress.

Darkness will go away and all will become bright. Power of life will be abundant and we will be courageous. There is no failure and we will have authority and power to lead the world. Believers, I pary that all of you welk with God who always gives overflowing grace and receive victory in everything!

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